How To Remove Oil Stains From Brick Pavers?


Is your paving stone patio stained with an oil mark? Do you wish to remove oil stains from pavers? Sometimes, the oil leak happens from your car, or there might be spillage while carrying food to the barbecue set up in the backyard! How can you deal with this?

With a few simple steps, you can make the stained patio stones look almost new and untouched! Excited to know more about it? Sneak out below to finding a quick solution on the same.

Steps to remove oil stains from pavers

Several stain removal products are easily accessible in the stores to give a sparkling stain free surface for your driveway patio. You can also contact experts who are a pro in handling these stains with excellent proficiency.

Pavers are the popular option to design your swimming pool, small yards outside the house, or the driveway path. You can easily remove oil stains from pavers with the DIY steps stated below:

  1. If you discover a fresh stain with a small liquid amount pour out on its surface, use paper towels and waste rags to soak in the grease or oil marks. This prevents the stain from getting stubborn or old.
  2. Next step to remove oil stains from pavers is by sprinkling the kitty litter on the surface where stains get accumulated. Avoid making use of a wire brush as it might lead to scratching over the pavers. Once the kitty litter soaks up all the liquid, you need to sweep off the litter remains and dump it.
  3. Still thinking about how to remove oil stains from brick pavers! Make use of dish soap and water to scrub off the stained area. Use a scrub brush without wire bristles to gently clean the paver surface. Try to find a suitable dish soap that works effectively on oil and grease and gives desirable outcomes. Application of baking soda is also a good idea if the stains are just a small patch.
  4. Next step to remove oil stains from pavers is by spraying the entire area with a garden hose and through the nozzle. This enables you to impart high-level pressure on a specific site and clean it. Using a pressure washer is also a good idea for the removal of oil stains or grease.

However, stay a bit careful as the pressure washer holds the capacity to damage bricks, concrete, and even the paver blocks.

Hopefully, these steps can serve as a right answer on how to remove oil stains from pavers. Even if you are unable to remove the stains, there are other alternative methods to help you out.

Remember that overuse of chemicals in the cleaning process can reach your lawns while rinsing and spoiling them off.

 Alternative methods to remove oil stains from pavers

  • Get the oven cleaner and spray it on the stained paver area. Allow it for minimum of 15 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly. However, the oven cleaner consists of chemicals that might not be favorable for the surrounding garden plot or lawns.
  • If the grease or oil stain is very stubborn, use a degreaser that evenly cleans up the paver surface. You can follow the list of instructions mentioned on the product for the best results. It is also advisable to hire an expert who can work harshly on oil stains yet maintain paver blocks’ delicacy.
  • If all this fails, you can replace the paving stone and incorporate some new landscaping ideas to replace the older ones.

Wrapping up on How to remove oil stains from brick pavers

The above guide to remove oil stains from pavers proves effective in most cases. However, if you find it tricky to deal with the mess, seeking expert services is also a favorable option.

Hot water, bleaching powder, and commercial cleaning agents can prove effective in this context. A power wash can prove effective for cleaning up all the paver damages and giving a clear patio surface for a walk!

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