Unspoken facts about outpatient total joint replacement Denver


Total joint replacement surgery is a procedure to remove the damaged parts due to arthritis and replace it with plastic, metal, or ceramic device also known as prosthesis, designed to replicate the movement of a healthy and normal joint.

Hip and knee replacement are the common surgeries performed in total joint replacement, but the surgery can be performed on other joints that include the wrist, elbow, shoulder, and ankle.

There are certain reasons that can cause disability and pain that lead patients to consider joint replacement surgery. Some cases include joint pain caused by the damage to the cartilage either from fracture, arthritis, or other reasons. The surgery becomes important if the non-surgical treatments like physical therapy, medications, and change in daily routine do not relieve the disability and pain.

Outpatient Total joint replacement surgery involves same day discharge or the patient can stay in the hospital for a day or two. The surgeon will reshape the bone ends to fit the artificial parts while giving anesthesia while performing the surgery.

The patient went through knee and hip replacement and can walk the next day by using the walker. The patient must need to carry crutches or walker after the joint replacement. If the patient went through the shoulder replacement surgery he can start with the passive exercise routine with the help of the physiotherapist or helper. A period of six weeks the patient can actively perform the exercise given by the therapist.  He can perform stretches and strengthen the shoulder to regain the normal and healthy joint to get back to normal life.

It almost takes three to four months to completely recover from joint replacement surgery but the recovery period is different for different total joint replacement surgery Denver.

The other reason to consider the total joint replacement surgery is to improve the function of the joints, that results are less predictable after the joint replacement. The functions of the joints work differently for different people. Some can walk easily, can bike or play golf.

There are certain risks related to the total joint replacement, there are chances  of infection or blood clots if the patient is suffering from diabetes, heart disease that are not controlled, or the patient has a weak immune system. The surgeon may prescribe antibiotics and blood thinning medication to prevent any complication.

The other risk is related to the new joint that may not work as the patient is hoping it will. Sometimes it might feel weak or stiff, generally the knee. It may occur to the patient who doesn’t actively rehabilitate will regain the range of motion. In order to get the best result from joint surgery the patient needs to stick and carefully follow the rehab exercise schedule, medicine, and rest.

It is possible that the patient might go through the loose or dislocation of the implant, that means there will be another surgery waiting down the line. A total joint replacement can be considered after taking all the options to improve the quality of life. The patient should adopt the healthy lifestyle to achieve the quality of life. The total joint replacement Denver, surgeon has the skills to help in total joint replacement surgery if it is the right option.


The outpatient total joint replacement surgery is important for a patient who has uncontrollable pain. There are certain risks which can be okay by different precautions and the surgeon will properly advise before the surgery. The patient will regain his normal and healthy joints after the total joint replacement surgery.

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