10 sure tips on How to start a successful YouTube channel


The escalating competition on YouTube content creators leaves everyone asking How to start a successful YouTube channel. On the other hand, it is factual that YouTube remains the second most popular social media platform and the most popular video-sharing platform that every blogger wishes to try.

But before getting so quickly to the urgency of starting a YouTube channel, you deserve these sure tips for success.

Tip 1: Know the Facts about YouTube

YouTube indicates that there are more than 2 billion YouTube users per month, more than 30 million daily active users watching more than 1 billion videos every day. Also, there are more than 500 videos uploaded hourly on youtube.  How can you leverage through the statistics to establish you’re most stable and algorithm-friendly YouTube channel?

Remember YouTube pays about 0.5 USD per 1000 views.  As such, you are already informed about what to expect, how far you can stretch, and the complexity of tasks ahead to your dream.

Tip 2: Start Your Channel

Martin Luther King Jr said, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” He was relevant then and today. You cannot become successful before starting. Therefore:

  • Go to YouTube and sign in using your Gmail account.
  • Click on your picture, which is often positioned on the right Conner of your desktop.
  • From the drop-down menu, select create a channel.
  • Customize your name according to your niche or maintain your name as in your Gmail account. Either way, it is okay.
  • Add details that describe your channel to the “about section.”
  • Design your channel cover page according to your wish. That entails changing the theme, cover photo, and profile picture.
  • You can upload your first video.

Hurray! You have a YouTube channel. Even though you may have zero views, the following steps will get you to greatness.

Tip 3: Gather the right tools for video blogging

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”  That is precisely what anyone wishing to be a successful YouTube blogger should mind. Of course, we’re not cutting trees here! But it means getting every necessary tool perfect for the task.

Among the essential tools that you need are:

  • Tripods
  • Lenses
  • Studio lighting
  • DSLRs or mirrorless cameras
  • Video editing software’s like; VideoPad, DaVinci Resolve, and   Lightworks, among others.

If you uploaded your first video, check its quality and try using the items above to create a newer video and make a comparison. The latter must be appealing to you, and so does it to the viewers.

Tip 4: Consistency in video blogging

Establishing followers on YouTube requires a consistent and routine update. But there can never be such if you keep your followers in darkness for so long. They would wander to where they can find alternative, and you will lose a fun base.  A weekly video would serve better!

Tip 5: Link your channel to other social media platforms

Video blogging means going public, and so should you. Let your channel shout out on every single social media. Friends and other followers in other social media would be your initial YouTube subscribers who can market you to their friends.

Tip 6: Keep your videos short, exciting and explicit.

It would be hard having short and explicit all in one video. But yes, you can briefly give all details without meandering and by reducing introductions. If your video is stretching beyond 30 minutes, you need to break the videos per the subtopics to have multiple videos.

Tip 7: Do SEO optimization for your videos.

There is no better way to start a successful YouTube channel if SEO optimization is not your thing. Remember, the reason for your YouTube is to attract much traffic as possible. But there can never be anything better than ranking on top of others when the viewer search. So create Meta tags and tags that are SEO friendly.

To be precise, avoid stop words in titles and descriptions and utilize the keywords in titles and descriptions.

Tip 8: Connect with your viewers

Slowly you are getting to the limelight, and so many viewers would like to know you better. Keep interacting with them in the comment sections. Reply to them and advance your next video basing on replies. However, Remember there is negative energy too in some fans; give it a pass and stay focused.

Tip 9: Earn more from your YouTube content through proper monetization

Honestly, anyone in video blogging aims to earn an extra income. As such, be more prudent to earn from all the possible sources of revenue.  In case you didn’t know, here are the ways to earn from your YouTube channel:

  • License your content with other companies.
  • Create sponsored content by working with companies to create specialized content.
  • What about selling stuff relating to your content?
  • Work with AdSense to earn the advert revenue

Tip 10: Be authentic and original in your videos.

It takes long enough to build a solid fan base for your channel, but it would take a second to lose them. And remember, once trust is lost, you can never rebuild it to the original state. You can avoid going through this self-destruction if you carry out enough research to communicate facts on your YouTube and not just rumors.

Also, before you upload a video, ask yourself, has anyone else created a similar video to this? What variations does my video bring into the already existing millions of videos? If you’re going to do what everyone is doing, you will be irrelevant, and no subscribers would opt for your channel, which seems like a duplicate of existing ones.

Tip 11: Be patient; a successful YouTube channel is a longtime process

Building a solid YouTube channel is like making an empire that needs time! Or we could liken it to the Chinese reed, which takes years to sprout from the ground.  Rome was not built in a day, and you will not become a star in a day, week, or even a month. You can never grow big enough, so relax and keep on growing.

Tip 12: Append endnotes to promote your channel or website

After all, is said and done in your video, please remind your subscribers to follow your channel and website. Remember, your effort is to attract traffic as much as possible. Appreciative followers will subscribe upon a remainder.

With these tips, you can get your content out there to the millions of subscribers waiting for you. Do not be afraid to start. The greatest conquerors are those who overcome the fear of starting. With these explicit sure tips on how to start a successful YouTube channel, you will be great.

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